Sunday, July 15, 2007

BBQ with Cuzzin Tom!

I attended a BBQ today hosted by TMK and Ryan to celebrate the visit of Ryan's Cuzzin Tom.

Everything about the day was perfect. The weather, the food, the company, all perfect.

Tom even had gifts to hand out but...there was a pop quiz. I think I was probably one of the only attendees that did not come home with a prize!!

Here are some photos to document the (wonderful) day.

Folks hanging out.

Ryan and the Cuzz working on quiz questions and choosing the prize for the winner:

Here are some photos of the gifts/prizes:

There were also more Dulaan contributions. These you have to see to believe - Blogless Gail(as I call her) knit these up. She knits with great love to warm Mongolia.

And an adorable hat knit by Rebecca.

Then Tom received gifts. I love his response to getting coffee - it is to "help in my awakening". What a line from a buddhist monk!

Gotta love this photo - Tom modeling a hat MaryB knit for him.

Thanks Ryan and TMK for a lovely day. One last photo. TMK's yard is beautiful. I was able to capture a bee on one of her huge lavendar plants.

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