Despite losing, we had a great time!
It was a beautiful day. I love seeing fiber-y stuff and people with a passion for anything fiber-y posed against the Seattle skyline.
What really cracked me up is when the Mariner players came up to bat when they display a photo of the player along with their number up on the big screen, they had a knitted background and the player's number was put on a ball of yarn. See Ichiro's here:

This is what I was working on last night. Monkey socks with Plucky Knitter merino. Sarah's dying is yummy and the merino is so, so, so soft! You should go check out her etsy shop.
Here is the loot I came home with(I can only blame it on the high levels of stress I'm experiencing at work. I've been doing a lot of retail therapy!) :
Here is Socks that Rock in SeaMar. According the the vendor, this was dyed just for the Mariner Stitch 'N Pitch. Looks like Mariner colors to me!
I'm such a fan of Amy's stitch markers. A conservative way to put it is I have a *large variety* of her markers. You can never have too many stitch markers can you? Especially if you have a lot of projects going concurrently!!!

On a side note: I signed up for my first mammogram at their booth. Annually they host a Women's Health Fair. If you need a mammo and are dragging your the shop to schedule an appointment. The Swedish Breast Care Express will be there on Friday August 24 and Saturday August 25th. You can make the whole experience an enjoyable one(as enjoyable as getting your boobs smashed can be). Village gives out a goody bag(isn't that right ladies??? Correct me if that is not correct) so that is added incentive to take good care of yourself! After all, knowledge is power. If you have anything suspicious, it is better to catch it sooner rather than later! Swedish takes most health insurance plans. Be sure to check with your insurance provider on your coverage.
I scheduled mine for my birthday. I like getting these kinds of things taken care on/near my birthday. I'm grateful to celebrate another year on the earth and by doing all the preventive things I'm supposed to, it will give me better odds that I'll be here to celebrate another birthday next year! ;)
I'm getting off track - but if you haven't scheduled your annual pap either...please do that as well. The phone call may take 10 minutes at most and you can feel good about taking care of you - put yourself first!
Oh - another side note - I never posted after my skin cancer scare. My facial blemish thingy was normal! Whew!
Two other things I bought. I got the Stole 'N Bases (what a cute play on words) pattern by my friend Ellen. They have the patterns for sale at Village Yarn and Tea. Go to the link on her name, she just posted on the stole. The pattern is based on diamonds (like baseball diamonds).
Baseball fans, you have to have this pattern!
I could not leave my passion for spinning out in the cold. I bought some baby alpaca roving in a charcoal gray. I've never spun this fiber and it was so deliciously soft I couldn't pass it up.
I gotta run. I have LOTS of homework to do for my Nihon class. As you know from my previous post I basically completely frogged the raglan back. I need to get caught up! Wish me luck!