Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our World Underwater

For those of you that read my blog, know that my husband, Greg, is an avid underwater photographer.

He has entered photography contests before and we even won a trip to Fiji once.

Like most artists, he is shy about selling himself and his photographs. You can see more of his work on his website.

Recently he entered a contest hosted by Wetpixel and DivePhotoGuide. In the wide angle unrestricted category he placed third! I was so excited to hear he had placed because I knew they had quite a few people entering their art. I think there were about 3500 entrants!

You can see images of the other winners here. Although the images can be somewhat disturbing, take a look at the Environment and Conservation section. This highlights the need for better care for the beings living below the water's surface.

I am so proud of what Greg does as a photographer.

What was really cool about this competition was that one of the judges was David Doubilet. Many of you may be familiar with him as he has done many, many National Geographic assignments. It is cool to know he looked at some of Greg's images and must have been impressed with his Manta Heaven.

He hasn't had a chance to do much diving here on Maui. He dove one day and the past two days the boat has cancelled their trips due to high winds!

Great job, honey!

1 comment:

Joni said...

Well you know what they say... "Behind every great photographer there is a knitter poking her needles into him".
Huge congratulations on the contest win Greg - your work is astounding and breathtakingly beautiful. I am fascinated by it all. Looking forward to hearing all about your Hawaii trip when you get back to Seattle. hugs - J