Friday, March 09, 2007

Steek Cutting!

I cut the armhole steeks on the design from Alice Starmore's Pacific Coast Highway-Abalone which is on the cover.

That sure was fun! It always amazes me that you actually CUT through your knitting but with shetland, it does work great!

For those of you that have not followed my blog, this project has been going on since last October. I have gotten re-energized to work on this. Sometimes you have to just put a project down for awhile and when you pick it back up its like a brand new project!

Here is the shoulder join. I joined the shoulder with kitchener in the lighter yarn color and I will duplicate stitch the green - the pattern will be match perfectly front and back.

I modified the pattern to make it shorter by taking out one full repeat of the pattern(29 rows). I wasn't sure how that would line up at the shoulders but I think it looks good.

Now for the fun part! Get the sharp scissors out and let's start cutting!

Isn't that cool? I always put a magazine or something underneath the fabric to be cut. It would be an absolute nightmare if I cut another part of the sweater, wouldn't it?

One last thing. Joanne at my Thursday night knitting class finished her felted pillow. Joanne loves both felting and needle felting. She teaches needle felting at Village Yarn and Tea. You can see she has a knack for felting!


That's my middle name said...

wow Naomi - that is gorgeous! I'm sorry I missed you guys last night - I had a mandatory meeting for something at Patrick's school. Can't wait to see your sweater in person next week!


Anonymous said...

Those photos are great. Love the one of Joanne and her pillow, too. Thnx for bringing all your goodies to class ~ LOVED your purple yarn!

Anonymous said...

The steeks they are amazing...I have not gotten to that point in my knitting ability yet, but I hope to be that brave some day. I loved the felted cool. You are so lucky to have so many nice knitters to knit with...wish I lived in the Pacific Northwest!

kneek said...

I love leaf and tree designs; I've been experimenting with several but still don't think I am rendering the branches correctly. The branches overlaid on the alternating color blocks is fantastic!